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Script Shortcuts

ClashT Premium implements the Scripting feature powered by Python3, enableing users to programmatically select policies for the packets with dynamic flexibility.

You can either controll the entire rule-matching engine with a single Python script, or define a number of shortcuts and use them in companion with the regular rules. This page refers to the latter feature. For the former, see Script.

This feature enables the use of script in rules mode. By default, DNS resolution takes place for SCRIPT rules. no-resolve can be appended to the rule to prevent the resolution. (i.e.: SCRIPT,quic,DIRECT,no-resolve)

mode: Rule

  engine: expr # or starlark (10x to 20x slower)
    quic: network == 'udp' and dst_port == 443
    curl: resolve_process_name() == 'curl'
    # curl: resolve_process_path() == '/usr/bin/curl'


Evaluation Engines

Expr is used as the default engine for Script Shortcuts, offering 10x to 20x performance boost compared to Starlark.

Starlark is a Python-like langauge for configuration purposes, you can also use it for Script Shortcuts.


  • network: string
  • type: string
  • src_ip: string
  • dst_ip: string
  • src_port: uint16
  • dst_port: uint16
  • inbound_port: uint16
  • host: string
  • process_path: string


Starlark is missing process_path variable for now.


type resolve_ip = (host: string) => string // ip string
type in_cidr = (ip: string, cidr: string) => boolean // ip in cidr
type in_ipset = (name: string, ip: string) => boolean // ip in ipset
type geoip = (ip: string) => string // country code
type match_provider = (name: string) => boolean // in rule provider
type resolve_process_name = () => string // find process name (curl .e.g)
type resolve_process_path = () => string // find process path (/usr/bin/curl .e.g)